NMOGA’s Brighter Future Fund Grants To 9 Organizations

May 29, 2022

The New Mexico Oil and Gas Association’s Brighter Future Fund awarded $70,000 to nine New Mexico non-profit organizations in support of efforts to increase economic opportunity, expand STEM education, train and support teachers, reduce hunger, and support families impacted by wildfires in New Mexico.

NMOGA began the Brighter Future Fund with the goal of lifting every corner of New Mexico and helping all of our communities maximize their potential.

The organizations receiving awards are:

Please consider joining us in supporting these great organizations!

The Brighter Future Fund is a community impact fund created by NMOGA and administered by the Albuquerque Community Foundation to award grants to non-profit and educational organizations, with a focus on efforts to enhance STEM education (science, technology, engineering, math), increase economic opportunity, and alleviate child hunger. The fund is supported by the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association, the American Petroleum Institute (API), and their members.