The New Mexico Oil & Gas Association (NMOGA) is a coalition of oil and natural gas companies, individuals, and stakeholders dedicated to promoting the safe and environmentally responsible development of oil and natural gas resources in New Mexico. Representing over 1,000 members, NMOGA works with elected officials, community leaders, industry experts, and the general public, to advocate for responsible oil and natural gas policies and increase public understanding of industry operations and contributions to the state.
New Mexico's oil and natural gas activity is concentrated in two areas: the Permian Basin in the southeast and the San Juan Basin in the northwest. New Mexico is one of the United States' leading producers, ranking 2nd in annual oil production and 9th in annual natural gas production. New Mexico is attracting interest and attention from around the globe, as the Permian Basin undergoes a resurgence of production and investment activity.
Our Leadership

NMOGA History
Originally founded at the "New Mexico Oil Men's Protective Association", NMOGA dates back to the early days of oil and natural gas in the 1920s.

Since the mid-1900s, the oil and gas industry has boomed in New Mexico. Pipelines cross from corner to corner, and about 1/3rd of counties currently produce oil and/or natural gas.

The industry, and New Mexico, has seen its share of booms and busts. But today, we support 134,000 jobs - approximately 15% of the state's population - and 39% of the state's annual budget.